Frequently asked questions

The vision for Strategic Business Leaders is a next-generation business community where business leaders and business influencers meet and collaborate to help each other succeed. Our mission is to provide an authentic and trust-centered business community where experienced Entrepreneurs, Founders, Business Owners, and Influencers can thrive by helping each other succeed. Our key objectives are building strong business relationships, facilitating game-changing connections, providing collaborative learning, and expanding our personal spheres of influence in a constructive way that affects positive change, and with the understanding that by first helping others, we help ourselves.

SBL Mastermind members are a mix of Entrepreneurs, Founders, and Business Influencers. Our members are decision makers in their businesses, experts in their line of business representing a wide range of industries, including accounting, consulting, financial services, marketing, manufacturing, outsourcing, real estate, human resources, medical health services, business services, insurance, technology, events, hospitality, travel and more. Our members serve clients from large multinationals and middle markets to small businesses and high net worth individuals.

Three pillars of Influence Relationship Networking™.

                       ENTRUST – ENGAGE – ENDORSE

SBL Mastermind members ENTRUST through monthly experiential group meetings, ENGAGE and interact with each other in group and individual settings. Members also strive to ENDORSE each other as relationships develop to a point where they can consider each other a trusted connection and become trusted partners who can combine their efforts to help each other succeed. Through these activities, trust and deep rooted relationships develop. Strategic relationships are a natural outcome for our members who actively connect and collaborate with each other. Collaborations and introductions produce multidisciplinary solutions that better serve our members clients and create business success for everyone.

Strategic Business Leaders is an invitation-only business community. We provide the opportunity to connect with influential business leaders in the community for the purpose developing strategic relationships. 

Members of Strategic Business Leaders members meet in a roundtable setting once a month. Meetings are held in the morning from 8:00am until 10:00am. Each meeting features a presentation by an industry expert member and a round table discussion topic.

Our key objectives are building strong business relationships, facilitating game-changing connections, providing collaborative learning, and expanding our personal spheres of influence in a constructive way that affects positive change, and with the understanding that by first helping others, we help ourselves.